You are a nurse.
You are a Christian.
Do you know what God wants you to accomplish in your professional life?
Grow your Spiritual connection with God while fellowshipping with like-minded nurses on their own Spiritual growth journey.
Click here to register and join us
CLN, Inc meets from 7:00pm until 8:30pm CST on the 3rd Wednesday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct and Dec
CLN, Inc meets from10:00am until 11:30am CST on the 3rd Saturday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, and Dec

CLN, Inc is an Illinois chapter of Nurses Christian Fellowship NCF.
Click the link to learn about NCF and to become a member,
Ephesians 3:20-21 New Life Version (NLV)
God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us. May we see His shining-greatness in the church. May all people in all time honor Christ Jesus. Let it be so.
Nurses are required to maintain their hard skills. Hard skills are the clinical skills learned during formal education and confirmed by passing an examination to receive a license to practice. Employers and other professional organizations
offer ample opportunities for hard skill improvement and sustainment.
Interpersonal skills also known as people skills are soft skills. The importance of soft skills is revealed during the investigation into the root causes of a healthcare failure or negative outcome. Rarely are the root causes for a healthcare failure related to a systemic problem with hard skills or clinical knowledge. If a hard skill problem or lack of
clinical knowledge is uncovered, it's usually specific and correctable with additional education.
But soft skills, such as poor communication and ineffective teamwork, are commonly discovered during the root causes analysis portion of an investigation after a healthcare failure occurs. The identified soft skill failures are often systemic and widespread. Although there are trainings and programs available, most employers expect staff will gain soft skills through professional interactions and experiences. Members of CLN, Inc are blessed with training opportunities to help them be
better teammates, communicators, neighbors, nurses and better Christians.

About Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF)
Purpose of NCF
In response to God's love, grace and truth:
The Purpose of Nurses Christian Fellowship,
as a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA,
is to establish and advance in nursing,
within education and practice,
witnessing communities of nursing students and nurses
who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord:
growing in love for God,
God's Word,
God's people of every ethnicity and culture,
and God's purposes in the world.

For Christian nurses, an unwavering faith and unbreakable connection to God are essential.
Soft skill enhancement aligns with God's Word and instructions for how Christians are to treat neighbors and each other.
CLN, Inc. exists to help nurses improve their Spiritual life and soft skills.

The mission of CLN, Inc. is to merge the professional and Spiritual lives of licensed nurses
The purpose of CLN, Inc is to provide a forum for Christian nurses to grow their Spiritual connection with God through Jesus Christ
The vision of CLN, Inc is Christian nurses walking in faith according to God’s plan and being the visible image of Jesus Christ’s teachings at all times

CLN, Inc. exists to help nurses improve their Spiritual life and soft skills.